The Grange, Liss
Erection of seven detached dwellings with two affordable homes
The site was allocated for housing within the Liss Neighbourhood Plan in 2017. Since then, two applications were submitted by third party planning consultants, both were refused at appeal.
CPC stepped in to expertly negotiate the third planning application, with the positive decision issued under delegated powers.
Within the Liss Neighbourhood Plan two sites at the Grange have been allocated for residential development, with the application concerning the smaller of the two sites. Both of the sites share the same access and during the course of the application a safe access was provided which will help with the implementation of the larger scheme.
Two of the dwellings, have been secured via section 106 for affordable housing which is in line with affordable housing policy within the South Downs Local Plan.
Furthermore, the application received the full support of Liss Parish Council whom we engaged with from the early stages, this helped pave the way for the application to be permitted by delegated approval.
Extensive discussions were carried out with the Highways authority regarding the provision of an acceptable access arrangement that would not detriment current uses or future development.
This was resolved with support being received that visibility splays would be sufficient and that future delivery of houses at the neighbouring allocated site would not be prejudiced.