Cordage Planning Consultancy is a privately-owned planning practice, specialising in residential and commercial developments.
Our experienced Planners are all members of the Royal Town Planning Institute and have a breadth of knowledge acquired through careers that span from Local Authorities to the private sector.
The Planning process is notorious for being overly bureaucratic and fraught with expensive delays that hinder development. CPC is relentless, efficient and effective in its pursuit of your goals and aims to cut through the nonsense at every level of the planning process.
We specialise, and have a proven track record, in obtaining first time planning permissions for our clients.
Who are we designing for and how do we best represent their interests
How do we minimise risk for our client and deliver within a reasonable and financially sensible timeframe?
How do we ensure an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable form of development?
What is the right use for the site? Commercial, residential or a mixture?
How do we overcome any constraints the project may pose?
How will our plans translate into deliverable development?
Erection of five dwellings on brownfield site
Demolition of existing public house, erection of new building comprising 14 apartments
Boldon Lad
Conversion of existing public house to provide a convenience store, approved at Appeal
Erection of seven detached dwellings with two affordable homes
Reinstatement of 2-bed cottage adjoining the public house
Redevelopment for a five-storey, 40-unit student accommodation
Erection of a three-storey, 25-unit student accommodation
Erection of a three-storey, 48-unit student accommodation